69 research outputs found

    Structural and functional advances in the evolutionary studies of cells and viruses

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    Phylogenomics aims to describe evolutionary relatedness between organisms by analyzing genomic data. The common practice is to produce phylogenomic trees from molecular information in the sequence, order and content of genes in genomes. These phylogenies describe the evolution of life and have become valuable tools for taxonomy. The recent availability of structural and functional data for hundreds of genomes now offer the opportunity to study evolution using more conserved sets of molecular features. Here we report a phylogenomic (i.e. historical) and comparative (ahistorical) analysis that yields novel insights into the origin of cells (Chapters 1-3) and viruses (Chapters 4-6). We utilized conserved protein domain structure information (fold families [FFs] and fold superfamilies [FSFs]) and ontological definitions of gene products (Gene Ontology [GO]) to reconstruct rooted trees of life (ToL), taking advantage of a genomic census of molecular structure and function in the genomes of sampled organisms and viruses. The analysis revealed a global tendency in the proteomic repertories of cellular organisms to increase domain abundance. ToLs built directly from the census of molecular functions confirmed an early origin of Archaea relative to Bacteria and Eukarya, a conclusion further supported by comparative analysis. The analysis further revealed an ancient history of viruses and their evolution by gene loss. Despite the very high levels of variability seen in the replication strategies, morphologies, and host preferences of extant viruses, we recovered a conserved and ancient structural core of protein domains that was shared between cellular organisms and distantly related viruses. This core together with an analysis of the evolution of virion morphotypes strongly suggests an ancient origin for the viral supergroup. Moreover, a large number of viral proteins lacked cellular homologs and strongly negated the idea that viruses merely evolve by acquiring cellular genes. These virus-specific proteins confer pathogenic abilities to viruses and appeared late in evolution suggesting that the shift to parasitic mode of life happened later in viral evolution. The strong evolutionary association between viruses and cells is likely reminiscent of their ancient co-existence inside primordial cells. Moreover, the crucial dependency of viruses to replicate in an intracellular environment creates fertile grounds for genetic innovation. Interestingly, protein domains shared with viruses were widespread in the proteomes of all three cellular superkingdoms suggesting that viruses mediate gene transfer and crucially enhance biodiversity. The phylogenomic trees identify viruses as a ‘fourth supergroup’ along with cellular superkingdoms, Archaea, Bacteria, and Eukarya. The new model for the origin and evolution of viruses and cells is backed by strong molecular data and is compatible with the existing models of viral evolution. Our experiments indicate that structure and functionomic data represent a useful addition to the set of molecular characters used for tree reconstruction and that ToLs carry in deep branches considerable predictive power to explain the evolution of living organisms and viruses

    Comparative analysis of organophosphate degrading enzymes from diverse species

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    Different types of organophosphorous compounds constitute most potent pesticides. These chemicals attack the nervous system of living organisms causing death. Different organisms produce enzymes to degrade these chemicals. These enzymes are present in simple microorganisms from archaea, bacteria to complex eukaryotes like humans. A comparison of representative eight shortlisted enzymes involved in the degradation and inactivation of organophosphates from a wide range of organisms was performed to infer the basis of their common functionality. There is little sequence homology in these enzymes which results in divergent tertiary structures. The only feature that these enzymes seem to share is their amino acid composition. However, structural analysis has shown no significant similarities among this functionally similar group of organophosphate degrading enzymes

    Comparative Analysis of Proteomes and Functionomes Provides Insights into Origins of Cellular Diversification

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    Reconstructing the evolutionary history of modern species is a difficult problem complicated by the conceptual and technical limitations of phylogenetic tree building methods. Here, we propose a comparative proteomic and functionomic inferential framework for genome evolution that allows resolving the tripartite division of cells and sketching their history. Evolutionary inferences were derived from the spread of conserved molecular features, such as molecular structures and functions, in the proteomes and functionomes of contemporary organisms. Patterns of use and reuse of these traits yielded significant insights into the origins of cellular diversification. Results uncovered an unprecedented strong evolutionary association between Bacteria and Eukarya while revealing marked evolutionary reductive tendencies in the archaeal genomic repertoires. The effects of nonvertical evolutionary processes (e.g., HGT, convergent evolution) were found to be limited while reductive evolution and molecular innovation appeared to be prevalent during the evolution of cells. Our study revealed a strong vertical trace in the history of proteins and associated molecular functions, which was reliably recovered using the comparative genomics approach. The trace supported the existence of a stem line of descent and the very early appearance of Archaea as a diversified superkingdom, but failed to uncover a hidden canonical pattern in which Bacteria was the first superkingdom to deploy superkingdom-specific structures and functions

    A critical analysis of the current state of virus taxonomy

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    Taxonomical classification has preceded evolutionary understanding. For that reason, taxonomy has become a battleground fueled by knowledge gaps, technical limitations, and a priorism. Here we assess the current state of the challenging field, focusing on fallacies that are common in viral classification. We emphasize that viruses are crucial contributors to the genomic and functional makeup of holobionts, organismal communities that behave as units of biological organization. Consequently, viruses cannot be considered taxonomic units because they challenge crucial concepts of organismality and individuality. Instead, they should be considered processes that integrate virions and their hosts into life cycles. Viruses harbor phylogenetic signatures of genetic transfer that compromise monophyly and the validity of deep taxonomic ranks. A focus on building phylogenetic networks using alignment-free methodologies and molecular structure can help mitigate the impasse, at least in part. Finally, structural phylogenomic analysis challenges the polyphyletic scenario of multiple viral origins adopted by virus taxonomy, defeating a polyphyletic origin and supporting instead an ancient cellular origin of viruses. We therefore, prompt abandoning deep ranks and urgently reevaluating the validity of taxonomic units and principles of virus classification

    A Phylogenomic Census of Molecular Functions Identifies Modern Thermophilic Archaea as the Most Ancient Form of Cellular Life

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    The origins of diversified life remain mysterious despite considerable efforts devoted to untangling the roots of the universal tree of life. Here we reconstructed phylogenies that described the evolution of molecular functions and the evolution of species directly from a genomic census of gene ontology (GO) definitions. We sampled 249 free-living genomes spanning organisms in the three superkingdoms of life, Archaea, Bacteria, and Eukarya, and used the abundance of GO terms as molecular characters to produce rooted phylogenetic trees. Results revealed an early thermophilic origin of Archaea that was followed by genome reduction events in microbial superkingdoms. Eukaryal genomes displayed extraordinary functional diversity and were enriched with hundreds of novel molecular activities not detected in the akaryotic microbial cells. Remarkably, the majority of these novel functions appeared quite late in evolution, synchronized with the diversification of the eukaryal superkingdom. The distribution of GO terms in superkingdoms confirms that Archaea appears to be the simplest and most ancient form of cellular life, while Eukarya is the most diverse and recent

    Ancestrality and Mosaicism of Giant Viruses Supporting the Definition of the Fourth TRUC of Microbes

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    Giant viruses of amoebae were discovered in 2003. Since then, their diversity has greatly expanded. They were suggested to form a fourth branch of life, collectively named ‘TRUC’ (for “Things Resisting Uncompleted Classifications”) alongside Bacteria, Archaea, and Eukarya. Their origin and ancestrality remain controversial. Here, we specify the evolution and definition of giant viruses. Phylogenetic and phenetic analyses of informational gene repertoires of giant viruses and selected bacteria, archaea and eukaryota were performed, including structural phylogenomics based on protein structural domains grouped into 289 universal fold superfamilies (FSFs). Hierarchical clustering analysis was performed based on a binary presence/absence matrix constructed using 727 informational COGs from cellular organisms. The presence/absence of ‘universal’ FSF domains was used to generate an unrooted maximum parsimony phylogenomic tree. Comparison of the gene content of a giant virus with those of a bacterium, an archaeon, and a eukaryote with small genomes was also performed. Overall, both cladistic analyses based on gene sequences of very central and ancient proteins and on highly conserved protein fold structures as well as phenetic analyses were congruent regarding the delineation of a fourth branch of microbes comprised by giant viruses. Giant viruses appeared as a basal group in the tree of all proteomes. A pangenome and core genome determined for Rickettsia bellii (bacteria), Methanomassiliicoccus luminyensis (archaeon), Encephalitozoon intestinalis (eukaryote), and Tupanvirus (giant virus) showed a substantial proportion of Tupanvirus genes that overlap with those of the cellular microbes. In addition, a substantial genome mosaicism was observed, with 51, 11, 8, and 0.2% of Tupanvirus genes best matching with viruses, eukaryota, bacteria, and archaea, respectively. Finally, we found that genes themselves may be subject to lateral sequence transfers. In summary, our data highlight the quantum leap between classical and giant viruses. Phylogenetic and phyletic analyses and the study of protein fold superfamilies confirm previous evidence of the existence of a fourth TRUC of life that includes giant viruses, and highlight its ancestrality and mosaicism. They also point out that best evolutionary representations for giant viruses and cellular microorganisms are rhizomes, and that sequence transfers rather than gene transfers have to be considered

    A cross-sectional study of potential antimicrobial resistance and ecology in gastrointestinal and oral microbial communities of young normoweight Pakistani individuals

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    Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is a major global public health concern mainly affecting low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) due to lack of awareness, inadequate healthcare and sanitation infrastructure, and other environmental factors. In this study, we aimed to link microbial assembly and covariates (body mass index, smoking, and use of antibiotics) to gut microbiome structure and correlate the predictive antimicrobial gene prevalence (piARG) using PICRUSt2. We examined the gastrointestinal and oral microbial profiles of healthy adults in Pakistan through 16S rRNA gene sequencing with a focus on different ethnicities, antibiotic usage, drinking water type, smoking, and other demographic measures. We then utilised a suite of innovative statistical tools, driven by numerical ecology and machine learning, to address the above aims. We observed that drinking tap water was the main contributor to increased potential AMR signatures in the Pakistani cohort compared to other factors considered. Microbial niche breadth analysis highlighted an aberrant gut microbial signature of smokers with increased age. Moreover, covariates such as smoking and age impact the human microbial community structure in this Pakistani cohort
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